Looking for a Job in Airline In Year 2021 Get Your Airline Ready ViSume [Video Resume]

Get Your  Airline Ready ViSume [Video Resume]

[New Normal Post Covid19]

Looking for a Job in Airline In the Year 2021

Get Your  Airline Ready ViSume [Video Resume]


Here are Basic Tips to Get Your  Airline Ready Video Resume 

[Good for Non-Aviation Jobs as well]

Write a Small CV Script. 

First Things First: Do not wing it up.

Make it very Relevant. 

Just like a Paper Resume, your Video Resume must be Specific to the Job Roles

Keep it Short. HRs  are very busy People. ...

Get Creative. ...

Make Innovative

Make it Professional. ...

Collect Feedback.

Share link on all Social Media Regularly.

What should you put in your Video Resume

Tell a story. A video resume is a great way to showcase something from your background that's sure to impress the hiring manager, especially if you tell it in the form of a story.

Be brief.

Be specific.

Add a call-to-action.

Share your ViSume, video resume: 

For more Airlines Jobs & Aviation Career Information and daily job alerts, subscribe to our channel and support us.

Our Services [Just 10 minutes]

#Help to Make Script

#Upload On Zoom / YouTube

#Upload on Social Media 

#Link build with an Aviation HRs

More .........

Priyanshi Singh MBA (HR) 

Manager HR

AirCrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd.







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#AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd


#Alfa Business Center for Development




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