Covid19 Implications On Aviation Industry

AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd 

A Major Crisis Situation for Aviation Industry


#Take Charge
#Be Visible Set Direction Strategize
#Priorities & Focus [what, why ,when]
#Build people capability [who, what, how]
#Don’t Try to Micromanage
#Empower Your Team [how]
#Build Trust In Pilots / Passengers 
#Translate it to other Employees, #Customers, Suppliers and Partners
#Organize Resources
#Information flow Material flow Money flow
#Crisis Centre & Crisis Communications
#Plan Proactively [Tactical & Strategic]
Don’t focus all energy on only urgent / today Allocate resources for midterm as well. 

Plans for  

Worst Case Scenario

Most likely Scenario
Best Case Scenario

Address Immediate Issues

Workforce Customers Supply Chain Partners Technology
Cash Management
Understand the current cash situation.
Set up a Cash position monitoring system to improve transparency on cash management and cash control.
Plan as external environment changes in Real time
Detailed plan to cope up with situation if it gets worse.
Detailed plan to re kickstart 
Business to original state when things improve
Employee Safety & well being, Work from Home & social distancing at workplace
New Team structures. Break the team into smaller teams so that they are effective
Leverage Technology
Clear rules on remote working. Ensure clear Structure, Clarity, Process and Technology

Passengers / Customers

Identify and protect your key customers
What is the impact on them?
What is important to them?
Build / Regain Trust 

Suppliers / Air Operators / Cabs / Hotels / Travel Agent

Understand your current inventory and requirements, Do scenario Planning

Technology  [Avia-IT] 

Ensure your IT systems are all up and running and managed well. IT security needs to be tightened especially as the workforce is Working from Home.

Prepare for Change in Aviation 

Aviation  Market will bounce back but it will not be same redeployment of resources. Businesses, where crowding happens, will see a big change.

Globalization will slow for some time
People capability to manage new environment
Retooling of Supply Chain
Risk Management
Future office
Do we need expensive real estate more WFH [Working From Home]
Do we need expensive  Airplanes / Sims / Vehicles
Do we need to do so many meetings in person

Environmental Impact

Pollution is down Rivers are cleaner
Personal Hygiene
Awareness and Importance of personal hygiene
Voice Barcodes [Technology] to open doors
Maybe we don’t need to shake hands and namaste will be new Global Greeting

Transform Business to Adapt to change in

New Competitive Environment [External/Internal]
Regulatory environment
Opportunities for transformed Business
Big Shift in Supply Chain
Companies will reduce their risk by moving a part of supply chain outside China.
Opportunity for Indian companies if they can step up.

Competition from China will Change Aviation
Significant changes likely to happen
Regulatory, making imports more expensive, encouraging local manufacturing.
Chinese reaction to the external global environment. 
Competitive Landscape will change
Many companies will become less competitive thereby creating opportunities for others to take their market share.
Some will go out of Business

Global Aviation Forecasts

Way forward
Do it Yourself? Make mistakes
….Learn….Miss the bus

Engage Experts, Partner, and Fast Track
To adopt change [Short Term]
To benefit from the change [Mid term and Long Term]
Be Ready for 
Slower Recovery
The latest analysis envisions that under this scenario, severe restrictions on travel are lifted after 3 months. 
The recovery in travel demand later this year is weakened by the impact of the Global Recession on Jobs and Confidence. 
Full-year passenger demand [revenue passenger kilometers or RPKs] declines.  
Industry capacity [available seat kilometer or ASKs] in domestic and international markets declines during the second quarter ended 30 June compared to a year-ago period, but in this scenario recovers decline in the fourth quarter.  

Rules for Success In Aviation: 
1. Trust Yourself And On Your Team
2. Ignore Negative Pilots / Professionals
3. Keep Your Thinking In Positive Mode 
4. Break Some Rules And Make New Rules
5. Smart Work Not Hard Work
6. Keep Your Network Up  [Link Building]

Then see How Success will Come to You 

Happy Landings 

Capt Chandra Shekhar Gupta
CEO / Mission Member
AirCrews  Aviation  Pvt  Ltd
Mission To Canada [Micro Mission of Govt of Canada]
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PS :  Aviation Organisations, Airlines, Aviation Companies may contact us for detailed Tailor made Case Study / Research Papers on the above Subject.  

AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd 

References :

#TeamAirCrewsAviation, #Teamwork, #workfromhomebusiness, #Team,  #Workfromhome, #Internshiptime, #Creativity, #internshipprogram, #Team #AirCrew, #Innovation,  #Creativity, #WorkFromHome,.
Hey Team plz share Lots of Aviation / Motivational  Quotes  

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