Etihad Airport Services Warned Passengers
Cash-strapped Indian Carrier Jet Airways will from Monday suspend all its Flights to and from Abu Dhabi, the base of Etihad which has 24 per cent stake in it and from whom fund infusion is awaited for Jet to survive. In a notice Etihad Airport Services warned passengers of " Minor Disruption" due to the "short Notice of Flight Cancellation".
Cash-strapped Indian Carrier Jet Airways will from Monday suspend all its Flights to and from Abu Dhabi, the base of Etihad which has 24 per cent stake in it and from whom fund infusion is awaited for Jet to survive. In a notice Etihad Airport Services warned passengers of " Minor Disruption" due to the "short Notice of Flight Cancellation".
Jet Airways will suspend all its flights from Monday and Etihad's base from Abu Dhabi, which has a 24 percent stake and for which Jet Infusion is waiting for Jet's survival.
In a notice, Etihad Airport Services warned the passengers of "slight disruption" due to "a brief notice of flight cancellation".
Joint-Etihad combination is the largest in the last few years in the case of flying people outside and outside India.
A significant number of Jet passengers on Abu Dhabi flights are traveling to Europe, Africa and North America like India and West.
The 'Interim' Suspension of Abu Dhabi flights means that these transit passengers will also be affected.
Though Etihad can mount some extra flights between India and Abu Dhabi, but it can not be able to accommodate all booked on Jet's canceled flights.
Other Indian carriers like Air India have already refused to adjust the Jet Flyer.
Jet did not comment on how it would adjust the passengers on the flights going to Abu Dhabi and beyond, and on Etihad flights and from the rest of the world.
At the peak of its partnership three years ago, the combined network of Etihad and Jet offered more than 250 weekly flights between Abu Dhabi and 15 cities of India.
However, due to the failure of financial health in the last few months, this number has decreased considerably.
Jet and Etihad did not say how many Indian cities they fly every day from Abu Dhabi, travel industry sources say that Etihad has 175 weekly flights for India
While Jet is a daily from Delhi [cancel in March and April]; Daily from Mumbai [no operation in March and only one flight in April];
Three dailies from Bangalore are not currently working and there is no operation in Pune in April. "
"Jet is in a critical condition." But the cancellation of Abu Dhabi flights will have even more damage to Etihad. For example, the return of Delhi-Abu Dhabi-New York-Abu Dhabi-Delhi ticket means more fire than Etihad. Because it will happen.
Jet has made important alliances for flying traffic between India and the rest of the world with Air France-KLM, Delta and Etihad.
The abatement of Abu Dhabi would mean that one-stop traffic between Jet and its partners Etihad, Air France-KLM and Virgin Atlantic between India and the West will now be on Etihad partners besides airline partners.
At least until the jet becomes durable and the flights start there. While looking at Jet's precarious financial situation, it should be seen whether Flyer is confident enough to book airline tickets.
A senior jet official claimed that the cancellation of flights for Abu Dhabi was not related to the delay in equity infusion from Etihad. Goyal, on March 8, asked Etihad Group Chief Executive Officer Tony Douglas to give immediate information of Rs 750 crores within a week, that he had warned the airline that he could also land in the field.
While 10 days have now been sent to SOS, Jet has not got any funds from Etihad.
"Cancellation of Abu Dhabi flights is currently a part of the ongoing restructuring, which we are currently doing due to operational issues.
For this reason, we do. A senior Jet Jet official said that the flights of Dubai and Bangkok from our Delhi have been reduced.
Incidentally, Monday [18 March], when Jett founder Naresh Goyal told the staff in a letter on March 1 that "the situation is gradually coming in our favor".
However, when this happens, then it should be seen, Jet will stop flights from that time to its porter hub.
Jet officials themselves do not know when the situation will improve as it relies on fund infusion from Etihad and then loan restructuring of banks.
On being asked that the date for the commencement of the reforms will be completed on Monday [March 18], the official said, "We are expecting the best."
Meanwhile, Jet is gradually losing its important operational resources built in the last 25 years.
The underprivileged of its grounded aircraft are now trying to remodel them at other places, including SpiceJet.
Indigo, who is facing a severe shortage of pilot, is doing Roadshow to hiring pilots,
Many of the industry's goals are aimed at Jet's unpaid-month pilots.
In fact, Indigo pilots are allegedly harassed
The way the airline is going out to woo pilots from other airlines and has demanded an increase for itself.
जेट एयरवेज सोमवार से अपनी सभी उड़ानों को और अबू धाबी से एतिहाद के आधार को निलंबित कर देगा, जिसमें 24 प्रतिशत हिस्सेदारी है और जिसके लिए जेट के जीवित रहने के लिए फंड इन्फ्यूजन का इंतजार है।
एक नोटिस में एतिहाद एयरपोर्ट सर्विसेज ने "फ्लाइट कैंसिलेशन की संक्षिप्त सूचना" के कारण यात्रियों को "मामूली व्यवधान" की चेतावनी दी।
जेट-एतिहाद का संयोजन पिछले कुछ वर्षों में भारत के बाहर और भीतर फ्लाइंग लोगों के मामले में सबसे बड़ा है।
अबू धाबी की उड़ानों में जेट के यात्रियों की एक महत्वपूर्ण संख्या है, जो भारत और पश्चिम जैसे यूरोप, अफ्रीका और उत्तरी अमेरिका की यात्रा कर रहे हैं।
अबू धाबी उड़ानों के 'अंतरिम' निलंबन का मतलब है कि ये पारगमन यात्री भी प्रभावित होंगे।
हालांकि एतिहाद भारत और अबू धाबी के बीच कुछ अतिरिक्त उड़ानों को माउंट कर सकता है, लेकिन यह जेट की रद्द उड़ानों पर बुक किए गए सभी को समायोजित करने में सक्षम नहीं हो सकता है।
एयर इंडिया जैसे अन्य भारतीय वाहक जेट फ्लायर को समायोजित करने से पहले ही इनकार कर चुके हैं।
जेट ने इस पर टिप्पणी नहीं की कि यह अबू धाबी और उससे आगे जाने वाली उड़ानों पर यात्रियों को कैसे समायोजित करेगा और एतिहाद उड़ानों पर और दुनिया के बाकी हिस्सों से वहाँ तक।
तीन साल पहले अपनी साझेदारी के चरम पर, एतिहाद और जेट के संयुक्त नेटवर्क ने अबू धाबी और भारत के 15 शहरों के बीच 250 से अधिक साप्ताहिक उड़ानों की पेशकश की।
हालांकि, पिछले कुछ महीनों में वित्तीय स्वास्थ्य के विफल होने के कारण यह संख्या काफी कम हो गई है।
जेट और एतिहाद ने यह नहीं बताया कि वे अबू धाबी से कितने भारतीय शहरों के लिए प्रतिदिन उड़ान भरते हैं, यात्रा उद्योग के सूत्रों का कहना है कि एतिहाद के पास भारत के लिए 175 साप्ताहिक उड़ानें हैं
जबकि जेट की दिल्ली से एक दैनिक है [मार्च और अप्रैल में रद्द] दो; मुंबई से दैनिक [मार्च में कोई ऑपरेशन नहीं और अप्रैल में केवल एक उड़ान];
बैंगलोर से तीन दैनिक थे जो वर्तमान में काम नहीं कर रहे हैं और पुणे में एक अप्रैल में कोई संचालन नहीं है। "
"जेट एक गंभीर स्थिति में है। लेकिन अबू धाबी उड़ानों को रद्द करने से एतिहाद को और भी अधिक नुकसान होगा। उदाहरण के लिए, दिल्ली-अबू धाबी-न्यूयॉर्क-अबू धाबी-दिल्ली टिकट की वापसी का मतलब एतिहाद से अधिक बड़ा गोलाबारी है क्योंकि यह होगा।
जेट ने एयर फ्रांस-केएलएम, डेल्टा और एतिहाद के साथ भारत और दुनिया के बाकी हिस्सों में फ्लाइंग ट्रैफिक के लिए महत्वपूर्ण गठजोड़ किया है।
अबू धाबी के रद्द होने का मतलब होगा जेट और उसके पार्टनर्स एतिहाद, एयर फ्रांस-केएलएम और वर्जिन अटलांटिक के बीच भारत और पश्चिम के बीच का वन-स्टॉप ट्रैफिक अब एतिहाद के अलावा एयरलाइन के भागीदारों पर होगा।
कम से कम जब तक जेट टिकाऊ नहीं हो जाता है और वहां उड़ानें शुरू हो जाती हैं। हालांकि जेट की अनिश्चित वित्तीय स्थिति को देखते हुए, यह देखा जाना चाहिए कि क्या फ्लायर एयरलाइन के टिकट बुक करने के लिए पर्याप्त आश्वस्त हैं।
जेट के एक वरिष्ठ अधिकारी ने दावा किया कि अबू धाबी के लिए उड़ानें रद्द करना एतिहाद से इक्विटी जलसेक में देरी से जुड़ा नहीं है। गोयल ने 8 मार्च को एतिहाद ग्रुप के मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी टोनी डगलस को एक सप्ताह के भीतर 750 करोड़ रुपये की तत्काल जानकारी देने की मांग करते हुए लिखा था कि उन्होंने एयरलाइन को चेतावनी दी थी कि वे भी मैदान में उतर सकते हैं।
जबकि अब एसओएस भेजे जाने के 10 दिन हो गए हैं, जेट को एतिहाद से कोई फंड नहीं मिला है।
"अबू धाबी उड़ानों को रद्द करना वर्तमान में चल रहे मार्ग पुनर्गठन का एक हिस्सा है, जो हम वर्तमान में परिचालन मुद्दों के कारण कर रहे हैं
इसी कारण से, हम करते हैं। जेट दिल्ली के एक वरिष्ठ अधिकारी ने कहा कि हमारी दिल्ली से दुबई और बैंकॉक की उड़ानें कम हो गई हैं।
संयोग से, सोमवार [18 मार्च] है, जब जेट के संस्थापक नरेश गोयल ने 1 मार्च को एक पत्र में कर्मचारियों से कहा था कि "स्थिति धीरे-धीरे हमारे पक्ष में आ रही है"।
हालांकि जब ऐसा होता है, तो देखा जाना चाहिए, जेट उस समय से अपने पार्टर हब के लिए उड़ानें रोक देगा।
जेट के अधिकारियों को खुद नहीं पता है कि स्थिति कब सुधरेगी क्योंकि यह एतिहाद और फिर बैंकों के ऋण पुनर्गठन से होने वाले फंड इन्फ्यूजन पर निर्भर करता है।
यह पूछे जाने पर कि सुधार शुरू करने के लिए चीजों के लिए दी गई सोमवार [18 मार्च] की तारीख को पूरा किया जाएगा, अधिकारी ने कहा, "हम सर्वश्रेष्ठ की उम्मीद कर रहे हैं।"
इस बीच, जेट पिछले 25 वर्षों में निर्मित अपने महत्वपूर्ण परिचालन संसाधनों को धीरे-धीरे खो रहा है।
इसके ग्राउंडेड एयरक्राफ्ट के पट्टेदार अब स्पाइसजेट सहित अन्य जगहों पर इन्हें फिर से तैयार करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं।
इंडिगो, जिसे पायलट की भारी कमी का सामना करना पड़ रहा है, पायलटों को काम पर रखने के लिए रोड शो कर रहा है,
उद्योग के कई कदमों का लक्ष्य जेट के अवैतनिक-महीने के पायलटों के लिए है।
वास्तव में, इंडिगो पायलटों को कथित तौर पर परेशान किया जाता है
जिस तरह से एयरलाइन अन्य एयरलाइंस से पायलटों को लुभाने के लिए बाहर जा रही है और खुद के लिए बढ़ोतरी की मांग की है।
Jet Airways will from Monday suspend all its Flights to and from Abu Dhabi, the base of Etihad which has 24 per cent stake in it and from whom fund infusion is awaited for Jet to survive. In a notice Etihad Airport Services warned passengers of "minor disruption" due to the "short notice of Flight cancellation".
Jet-Etihad combine is in past few years the largest in terms of Flying people in and out of India. A significant number of Jet's passengers on Flights to and from Abu Dhabi are those who are travelling between India and the West like Europe, Africa and North America. The 'interim' suspension of Abu Dhabi Flights means these transit passengers will also be affected.
While Etihad may mount some extra Flights between India and Abu Dhabi, it may not be able to accommodate all those booked on Jet's cancelled Flights. Other Indian carriers like Air India have already refused to accommodate Jet Flyers. Jet did not comment on how it will accommodate passengers on Flights cancelled to and from Abu Dhabi and beyond on Etihad Flights to and from rest of the world from there.
At the peak of their partnership three years ago, the combined networks of Etihad and Jet offered over 250 weekly Flights between Abu Dhabi and 15 cities across India. However, this number has dropped significantly in past few months due to failing financial health both. While Jet and Etihad did not give how many Flights they operate from Abu Dhabi to how many Indian cities daily, travel industry sources say Etihad has 175 weekly Flights to India while Jet has "one daily from Delhi [ cancelled in March and April ]; two daily from Mumbai [ no operations in March and only one Flight in April ]; had three daily from Bangalore which are currently not operating and one from Pune with no operation in April."
"Jet is in a critical condition. But cancellation of Abu Dhabi Flights will hurt Etihad even more. For example, the refund of Delhi-Abu Dhabi-New York-Abu Dhabi-Delhi ticket means a greater shelling out for Etihad as it would have carried on the Flights to and from the US," said a travel agent.
Jet has significant tie-ups with Air France-KLM, Delta and Etihad for Flying traffic between India and the rest of the world through those Airlines' hubs. The cancellation of Abu Dhabi will mean the entire one-stop traffic between India and the West on Jet and its partners Etihad, Air France-KLM and Virgin Atlantic will now be on Airline partners other than Etihad. At least till Jet gets sustainable and resumes Flights there. However given Jet's precarious financial condition, it remains to be seen if Flyers are confident enough to book tickets of the Airline.
A senior Jet official claimed the cancellation of Flights to Abu Dhabi is not linked to delay in equity infusion from Etihad. Goyal had on March 8 written to Etihad Group CEO Tony Douglas seeking urgent infusion of Rs 750 crore within a week failing which he warned the Airline could even get grounded. While it is now 10 days since the SOS was sent, Jet has not received any funds from Etihad.
"The cancellation of Abu Dhabi Flights is part of the ongoing route restructuring we are currently doing due to the operational issues [ read grounding of over 50 planes so far for various reasons like non-payment to lessors ]. For the same reason, we have reduced our Delhi to Dubai and Bangkok Flights," said a senior Jet official.
Incidentally, Monday [ March 18 ] is by when Jet founder Naresh Goyal had told employees in a letter on March 1 of the "situation gently easing up in our favour". While whether that happens, remain to be seen, Jet will for now stop Flights to its parter's hub from that date.
Jet officials themselves do not know when the situation will improve as that depends on fund infusion happening from Etihad and then banks restructuring loans. Asked if the Monday [ March 18 ] date given for things to start improving will be met, the official said, "We are hoping for the best."
In the meanwhile, Jet is slowly losing its critical operational resources built over past 25 years. The lessors of its grounded Aircraft are now looking at redeploying them elsewhere, including at SpiceJet. IndiGo, which is facing severe pilot shortage, is holding road shows to hire pilots, a move many in the industry see is aimed at Jet's unpaid-for-months pilots. In fact, IndiGo pilots are reportedly upset at the way the Airline is going all out to woo pilots from other Airlines and have sought a hike for themselves.
Cash-strapped Indian Carrier Jet Airways will from Monday suspend all its Flights to and from Abu Dhabi, the base of Etihad which has 24 per cent stake in it and from whom fund infusion is awaited for Jet to survive. In a notice Etihad Airport Services warned passengers of " Minor Disruption" due to the "short Notice of Flight Cancellation".
Jet Airways will suspend all its flights from Monday and Etihad's base from Abu Dhabi, which has a 24 percent stake and for which Jet Infusion is waiting for Jet's survival.
In a notice, Etihad Airport Services warned the passengers of "slight disruption" due to "a brief notice of flight cancellation".
Joint-Etihad combination is the largest in the last few years in the case of flying people outside and outside India.
A significant number of Jet passengers on Abu Dhabi flights are traveling to Europe, Africa and North America like India and West.
The 'interim' suspension of Abu Dhabi flights means that these transit passengers will also be affected.
Though Etihad can mount some extra flights between India and Abu Dhabi, but it can not be able to accommodate all booked on Jet's canceled flights.
Other Indian carriers like Air India have already refused to adjust the jet flyer.
Jet did not comment on how it would adjust the passengers on the flights going to Abu Dhabi and beyond, and on Etihad flights and from the rest of the world.
Cash-strapped Indian Carrier Jet Airways will from Monday suspend all its Flights to and from Abu Dhabi, the base of Etihad which has 24 per cent stake in it and from whom fund infusion is awaited for Jet to survive. In a notice Etihad Airport Services warned passengers of " Minor Disruption" due to the "short Notice of Flight Cancellation".
Cash-strapped Indian Carrier Jet Airways will from Monday suspend all its Flights to and from Abu Dhabi, the base of Etihad which has 24 per cent stake in it and from whom fund infusion is awaited for Jet to survive. In a notice Etihad Airport Services warned passengers of " Minor Disruption" due to the "short Notice of Flight Cancellation".
Jet Airways will suspend all its flights from Monday and Etihad's base from Abu Dhabi, which has a 24 percent stake and for which Jet Infusion is waiting for Jet's survival.
In a notice, Etihad Airport Services warned the passengers of "slight disruption" due to "a brief notice of flight cancellation".
Joint-Etihad combination is the largest in the last few years in the case of flying people outside and outside India.
A significant number of Jet passengers on Abu Dhabi flights are traveling to Europe, Africa and North America like India and West.
The 'Interim' Suspension of Abu Dhabi flights means that these transit passengers will also be affected.
Though Etihad can mount some extra flights between India and Abu Dhabi, but it can not be able to accommodate all booked on Jet's canceled flights.
Other Indian carriers like Air India have already refused to adjust the Jet Flyer.
Jet did not comment on how it would adjust the passengers on the flights going to Abu Dhabi and beyond, and on Etihad flights and from the rest of the world.
At the peak of its partnership three years ago, the combined network of Etihad and Jet offered more than 250 weekly flights between Abu Dhabi and 15 cities of India.
However, due to the failure of financial health in the last few months, this number has decreased considerably.
Jet and Etihad did not say how many Indian cities they fly every day from Abu Dhabi, travel industry sources say that Etihad has 175 weekly flights for India
While Jet is a daily from Delhi [cancel in March and April]; Daily from Mumbai [no operation in March and only one flight in April];
Three dailies from Bangalore are not currently working and there is no operation in Pune in April. "
"Jet is in a critical condition." But the cancellation of Abu Dhabi flights will have even more damage to Etihad. For example, the return of Delhi-Abu Dhabi-New York-Abu Dhabi-Delhi ticket means more fire than Etihad. Because it will happen.
Jet has made important alliances for flying traffic between India and the rest of the world with Air France-KLM, Delta and Etihad.
The abatement of Abu Dhabi would mean that one-stop traffic between Jet and its partners Etihad, Air France-KLM and Virgin Atlantic between India and the West will now be on Etihad partners besides airline partners.
At least until the jet becomes durable and the flights start there. While looking at Jet's precarious financial situation, it should be seen whether Flyer is confident enough to book airline tickets.
A senior jet official claimed that the cancellation of flights for Abu Dhabi was not related to the delay in equity infusion from Etihad. Goyal, on March 8, asked Etihad Group Chief Executive Officer Tony Douglas to give immediate information of Rs 750 crores within a week, that he had warned the airline that he could also land in the field.
While 10 days have now been sent to SOS, Jet has not got any funds from Etihad.
"Cancellation of Abu Dhabi flights is currently a part of the ongoing restructuring, which we are currently doing due to operational issues.
For this reason, we do. A senior Jet Jet official said that the flights of Dubai and Bangkok from our Delhi have been reduced.
Incidentally, Monday [18 March], when Jett founder Naresh Goyal told the staff in a letter on March 1 that "the situation is gradually coming in our favor".
However, when this happens, then it should be seen, Jet will stop flights from that time to its porter hub.
Jet officials themselves do not know when the situation will improve as it relies on fund infusion from Etihad and then loan restructuring of banks.
On being asked that the date for the commencement of the reforms will be completed on Monday [March 18], the official said, "We are expecting the best."
Meanwhile, Jet is gradually losing its important operational resources built in the last 25 years.
The underprivileged of its grounded aircraft are now trying to remodel them at other places, including SpiceJet.
Indigo, who is facing a severe shortage of pilot, is doing Roadshow to hiring pilots,
Many of the industry's goals are aimed at Jet's unpaid-month pilots.
In fact, Indigo pilots are allegedly harassed
The way the airline is going out to woo pilots from other airlines and has demanded an increase for itself.
जेट एयरवेज सोमवार से अपनी सभी उड़ानों को और अबू धाबी से एतिहाद के आधार को निलंबित कर देगा, जिसमें 24 प्रतिशत हिस्सेदारी है और जिसके लिए जेट के जीवित रहने के लिए फंड इन्फ्यूजन का इंतजार है।
एक नोटिस में एतिहाद एयरपोर्ट सर्विसेज ने "फ्लाइट कैंसिलेशन की संक्षिप्त सूचना" के कारण यात्रियों को "मामूली व्यवधान" की चेतावनी दी।
जेट-एतिहाद का संयोजन पिछले कुछ वर्षों में भारत के बाहर और भीतर फ्लाइंग लोगों के मामले में सबसे बड़ा है।
अबू धाबी की उड़ानों में जेट के यात्रियों की एक महत्वपूर्ण संख्या है, जो भारत और पश्चिम जैसे यूरोप, अफ्रीका और उत्तरी अमेरिका की यात्रा कर रहे हैं।
अबू धाबी उड़ानों के 'अंतरिम' निलंबन का मतलब है कि ये पारगमन यात्री भी प्रभावित होंगे।
हालांकि एतिहाद भारत और अबू धाबी के बीच कुछ अतिरिक्त उड़ानों को माउंट कर सकता है, लेकिन यह जेट की रद्द उड़ानों पर बुक किए गए सभी को समायोजित करने में सक्षम नहीं हो सकता है।
एयर इंडिया जैसे अन्य भारतीय वाहक जेट फ्लायर को समायोजित करने से पहले ही इनकार कर चुके हैं।
जेट ने इस पर टिप्पणी नहीं की कि यह अबू धाबी और उससे आगे जाने वाली उड़ानों पर यात्रियों को कैसे समायोजित करेगा और एतिहाद उड़ानों पर और दुनिया के बाकी हिस्सों से वहाँ तक।
तीन साल पहले अपनी साझेदारी के चरम पर, एतिहाद और जेट के संयुक्त नेटवर्क ने अबू धाबी और भारत के 15 शहरों के बीच 250 से अधिक साप्ताहिक उड़ानों की पेशकश की।
हालांकि, पिछले कुछ महीनों में वित्तीय स्वास्थ्य के विफल होने के कारण यह संख्या काफी कम हो गई है।
जेट और एतिहाद ने यह नहीं बताया कि वे अबू धाबी से कितने भारतीय शहरों के लिए प्रतिदिन उड़ान भरते हैं, यात्रा उद्योग के सूत्रों का कहना है कि एतिहाद के पास भारत के लिए 175 साप्ताहिक उड़ानें हैं
जबकि जेट की दिल्ली से एक दैनिक है [मार्च और अप्रैल में रद्द] दो; मुंबई से दैनिक [मार्च में कोई ऑपरेशन नहीं और अप्रैल में केवल एक उड़ान];
बैंगलोर से तीन दैनिक थे जो वर्तमान में काम नहीं कर रहे हैं और पुणे में एक अप्रैल में कोई संचालन नहीं है। "
"जेट एक गंभीर स्थिति में है। लेकिन अबू धाबी उड़ानों को रद्द करने से एतिहाद को और भी अधिक नुकसान होगा। उदाहरण के लिए, दिल्ली-अबू धाबी-न्यूयॉर्क-अबू धाबी-दिल्ली टिकट की वापसी का मतलब एतिहाद से अधिक बड़ा गोलाबारी है क्योंकि यह होगा।
जेट ने एयर फ्रांस-केएलएम, डेल्टा और एतिहाद के साथ भारत और दुनिया के बाकी हिस्सों में फ्लाइंग ट्रैफिक के लिए महत्वपूर्ण गठजोड़ किया है।
अबू धाबी के रद्द होने का मतलब होगा जेट और उसके पार्टनर्स एतिहाद, एयर फ्रांस-केएलएम और वर्जिन अटलांटिक के बीच भारत और पश्चिम के बीच का वन-स्टॉप ट्रैफिक अब एतिहाद के अलावा एयरलाइन के भागीदारों पर होगा।
कम से कम जब तक जेट टिकाऊ नहीं हो जाता है और वहां उड़ानें शुरू हो जाती हैं। हालांकि जेट की अनिश्चित वित्तीय स्थिति को देखते हुए, यह देखा जाना चाहिए कि क्या फ्लायर एयरलाइन के टिकट बुक करने के लिए पर्याप्त आश्वस्त हैं।
जेट के एक वरिष्ठ अधिकारी ने दावा किया कि अबू धाबी के लिए उड़ानें रद्द करना एतिहाद से इक्विटी जलसेक में देरी से जुड़ा नहीं है। गोयल ने 8 मार्च को एतिहाद ग्रुप के मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी टोनी डगलस को एक सप्ताह के भीतर 750 करोड़ रुपये की तत्काल जानकारी देने की मांग करते हुए लिखा था कि उन्होंने एयरलाइन को चेतावनी दी थी कि वे भी मैदान में उतर सकते हैं।
जबकि अब एसओएस भेजे जाने के 10 दिन हो गए हैं, जेट को एतिहाद से कोई फंड नहीं मिला है।
"अबू धाबी उड़ानों को रद्द करना वर्तमान में चल रहे मार्ग पुनर्गठन का एक हिस्सा है, जो हम वर्तमान में परिचालन मुद्दों के कारण कर रहे हैं
इसी कारण से, हम करते हैं। जेट दिल्ली के एक वरिष्ठ अधिकारी ने कहा कि हमारी दिल्ली से दुबई और बैंकॉक की उड़ानें कम हो गई हैं।
संयोग से, सोमवार [18 मार्च] है, जब जेट के संस्थापक नरेश गोयल ने 1 मार्च को एक पत्र में कर्मचारियों से कहा था कि "स्थिति धीरे-धीरे हमारे पक्ष में आ रही है"।
हालांकि जब ऐसा होता है, तो देखा जाना चाहिए, जेट उस समय से अपने पार्टर हब के लिए उड़ानें रोक देगा।
जेट के अधिकारियों को खुद नहीं पता है कि स्थिति कब सुधरेगी क्योंकि यह एतिहाद और फिर बैंकों के ऋण पुनर्गठन से होने वाले फंड इन्फ्यूजन पर निर्भर करता है।
यह पूछे जाने पर कि सुधार शुरू करने के लिए चीजों के लिए दी गई सोमवार [18 मार्च] की तारीख को पूरा किया जाएगा, अधिकारी ने कहा, "हम सर्वश्रेष्ठ की उम्मीद कर रहे हैं।"
इस बीच, जेट पिछले 25 वर्षों में निर्मित अपने महत्वपूर्ण परिचालन संसाधनों को धीरे-धीरे खो रहा है।
इसके ग्राउंडेड एयरक्राफ्ट के पट्टेदार अब स्पाइसजेट सहित अन्य जगहों पर इन्हें फिर से तैयार करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं।
इंडिगो, जिसे पायलट की भारी कमी का सामना करना पड़ रहा है, पायलटों को काम पर रखने के लिए रोड शो कर रहा है,
उद्योग के कई कदमों का लक्ष्य जेट के अवैतनिक-महीने के पायलटों के लिए है।
वास्तव में, इंडिगो पायलटों को कथित तौर पर परेशान किया जाता है
जिस तरह से एयरलाइन अन्य एयरलाइंस से पायलटों को लुभाने के लिए बाहर जा रही है और खुद के लिए बढ़ोतरी की मांग की है।
Jet Airways will from Monday suspend all its Flights to and from Abu Dhabi, the base of Etihad which has 24 per cent stake in it and from whom fund infusion is awaited for Jet to survive. In a notice Etihad Airport Services warned passengers of "minor disruption" due to the "short notice of Flight cancellation".
Jet-Etihad combine is in past few years the largest in terms of Flying people in and out of India. A significant number of Jet's passengers on Flights to and from Abu Dhabi are those who are travelling between India and the West like Europe, Africa and North America. The 'interim' suspension of Abu Dhabi Flights means these transit passengers will also be affected.
While Etihad may mount some extra Flights between India and Abu Dhabi, it may not be able to accommodate all those booked on Jet's cancelled Flights. Other Indian carriers like Air India have already refused to accommodate Jet Flyers. Jet did not comment on how it will accommodate passengers on Flights cancelled to and from Abu Dhabi and beyond on Etihad Flights to and from rest of the world from there.
At the peak of their partnership three years ago, the combined networks of Etihad and Jet offered over 250 weekly Flights between Abu Dhabi and 15 cities across India. However, this number has dropped significantly in past few months due to failing financial health both. While Jet and Etihad did not give how many Flights they operate from Abu Dhabi to how many Indian cities daily, travel industry sources say Etihad has 175 weekly Flights to India while Jet has "one daily from Delhi [ cancelled in March and April ]; two daily from Mumbai [ no operations in March and only one Flight in April ]; had three daily from Bangalore which are currently not operating and one from Pune with no operation in April."
"Jet is in a critical condition. But cancellation of Abu Dhabi Flights will hurt Etihad even more. For example, the refund of Delhi-Abu Dhabi-New York-Abu Dhabi-Delhi ticket means a greater shelling out for Etihad as it would have carried on the Flights to and from the US," said a travel agent.
Jet has significant tie-ups with Air France-KLM, Delta and Etihad for Flying traffic between India and the rest of the world through those Airlines' hubs. The cancellation of Abu Dhabi will mean the entire one-stop traffic between India and the West on Jet and its partners Etihad, Air France-KLM and Virgin Atlantic will now be on Airline partners other than Etihad. At least till Jet gets sustainable and resumes Flights there. However given Jet's precarious financial condition, it remains to be seen if Flyers are confident enough to book tickets of the Airline.
A senior Jet official claimed the cancellation of Flights to Abu Dhabi is not linked to delay in equity infusion from Etihad. Goyal had on March 8 written to Etihad Group CEO Tony Douglas seeking urgent infusion of Rs 750 crore within a week failing which he warned the Airline could even get grounded. While it is now 10 days since the SOS was sent, Jet has not received any funds from Etihad.
"The cancellation of Abu Dhabi Flights is part of the ongoing route restructuring we are currently doing due to the operational issues [ read grounding of over 50 planes so far for various reasons like non-payment to lessors ]. For the same reason, we have reduced our Delhi to Dubai and Bangkok Flights," said a senior Jet official.
Incidentally, Monday [ March 18 ] is by when Jet founder Naresh Goyal had told employees in a letter on March 1 of the "situation gently easing up in our favour". While whether that happens, remain to be seen, Jet will for now stop Flights to its parter's hub from that date.
Jet officials themselves do not know when the situation will improve as that depends on fund infusion happening from Etihad and then banks restructuring loans. Asked if the Monday [ March 18 ] date given for things to start improving will be met, the official said, "We are hoping for the best."
In the meanwhile, Jet is slowly losing its critical operational resources built over past 25 years. The lessors of its grounded Aircraft are now looking at redeploying them elsewhere, including at SpiceJet. IndiGo, which is facing severe pilot shortage, is holding road shows to hire pilots, a move many in the industry see is aimed at Jet's unpaid-for-months pilots. In fact, IndiGo pilots are reportedly upset at the way the Airline is going all out to woo pilots from other Airlines and have sought a hike for themselves.
Cash-strapped Indian Carrier Jet Airways will from Monday suspend all its Flights to and from Abu Dhabi, the base of Etihad which has 24 per cent stake in it and from whom fund infusion is awaited for Jet to survive. In a notice Etihad Airport Services warned passengers of " Minor Disruption" due to the "short Notice of Flight Cancellation".
Jet Airways will suspend all its flights from Monday and Etihad's base from Abu Dhabi, which has a 24 percent stake and for which Jet Infusion is waiting for Jet's survival.
In a notice, Etihad Airport Services warned the passengers of "slight disruption" due to "a brief notice of flight cancellation".
Joint-Etihad combination is the largest in the last few years in the case of flying people outside and outside India.
A significant number of Jet passengers on Abu Dhabi flights are traveling to Europe, Africa and North America like India and West.
The 'interim' suspension of Abu Dhabi flights means that these transit passengers will also be affected.
Though Etihad can mount some extra flights between India and Abu Dhabi, but it can not be able to accommodate all booked on Jet's canceled flights.
Other Indian carriers like Air India have already refused to adjust the jet flyer.
Jet did not comment on how it would adjust the passengers on the flights going to Abu Dhabi and beyond, and on Etihad flights and from the rest of the world.
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