Pilot for Cessna Singapore
Category -
Location - Singapore
Company - Cessna
Category - Pilot
Position Requirements:
Current Commercial Helicopter certificate with CFI
At least 2000 hours Helicopter Flight Time
At least 750 hours Helicopter Flight Instruction given
Must be able to demonstrate instructional capabilities
Demo Pilots are required to travel off site worldwide to provide demo flights
Experience in Bell products
FAA issued ATP License
Pilot certificates from other countries
Second language
NVG experience
Fixed wing ratings
College degree preferred
Current Commercial Helicopter certificate with CFI
At least 2000 hours Helicopter Flight Time
At least 750 hours Helicopter Flight Instruction given
Must be able to demonstrate instructional capabilities
Demo Pilots are required to travel off site worldwide to provide demo flights
Experience in Bell products
FAA issued ATP License
Pilot certificates from other countries
Second language
NVG experience
Fixed wing ratings
College degree preferred
All Best Career Guide
by Capt Shekhar Gupta and Shina Kalra | 1 January 2019
See Sample Synopsis and Sample Apps
AeroSoft Corp
Ort und Gesellschaft - Bell Flight - Singapur
Kategorie - Demonstrationspilot
Pilot für Cessna Singapore
Kategorie -
Standort - Singapur
Unternehmen - Cessna
Kategorie - Pilot
Aktuelles Commercial Helicopter Zertifikat bei CFI
Mindestens 2000 Stunden Helikopter Flugzeit
Mindestens 750 Stunden Hubschrauberflugunterricht gegeben
Muss in der Lage sein, Lehrfähigkeiten zu demonstrieren
Demopiloten müssen weltweit von ihrem Standort aus reisen, um Demoflüge anzubieten
Erfahrung mit Bell-Produkten
FAA erteilt ATP-Lizenz
Pilotenausweise aus anderen Ländern
Zweite Sprache
NVG Erfahrung
Fixed Wing Ratings
Hochschulabschluss bevorzugt
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