Cabin Crew are also known as flight attendants. They are responsible for ensuring the comfort and ease of the passengers on board.
                                      This career is just like a customer service in public transportation with little twist of hospitality. If you are preparing for pursuing a career as a flight attendant then there are some of the key points that you need to keep in mind when attending a Cabin Crew interview. Some of them are as below:
1. Know about the job first :
The type of job you wish to do should be the first thing to know. So, if you want to enter as a Cabin Crew then first you must have knowledge about the subject. Without knowing about your field, you should not move for an interview for Cabin Crew. Just know your field, research about it and then go ahead for an interview.
2. Talk to the ones working in similar field:
The ones who are already working in this field of hospitality, once should be asked and confirmed about the changes that have come during few years. Talking to someone will add to your knowledge and will also give an experience of handling the Cabin Crew interviews.
3. Fluency is must:
For cracking the Cabin Crew interview, one must have good fluency in a language the company demands a person to speak.
                                                                     So, make sure before you go for an interview, you have proper command in your language. If you find need to improve it then do it, as the Crew members are required to talk to various people on board from varied countries. In order to be in equal position with the passengers, the Crew members are required to speak in a fluent manner.
4. Multitasking is another quality:
You need to be multitasking. If you have such a quality, no company would refuse you from working. Not just this, the Cabin Crew not only needs proper knowledge but also quick witted especially during the stressful scenarios.
                If you have such a quality, you will be able to win over all the difficult situations at work and  in your life.
5. Being friendly, hospitable and helpful at the same time:
The Crew members are required to be very friendly, and hospitable. This you can show during interview also by speaking slow and in a polite manner. The Crew members need to have this quality amongst many other qualities. Easy to be approached and confidence is required for the Crew members.
              So, when you go up for the interview, make sure you are prepared for all such things hence win over the situation during the interviews.
6. Ready to extend the help:
The Cabin Crew is to extend help whenever needed by the passengers. The hospitable nature is the one that is required within the Crew members.
                     So, make sure you showcase your quality of extending helping hand to the passengers and this should also be depicted during the interview panel.
7. Your body language speaks all about you:
The body language should be erect and upright. Lean body type is not the demand for the Crew members.
                                       So, when you are going for the interview, just make sure you have an appealing body language which depicts profound confidence, satisfaction and happiness for the job you want to do. Only this attitude can help you win over the situation of the interview.
8. Expressions and the gestures you carry:
The expressions should also showcase your confidence and the happiness for your job. The gestures should be in accordance with what you say, if you agree to something the panel says, then your expressions should also depict the same. What if you agree to something with your words but your gestures show the negative answer? You will only be considered confused and the panel may reject you after the interview.
                                                     So, make sure you have gestures in wake of what you actually agree or disagree or you may fail to grab your dream job.
9. The moments of your hands:
The hands should be less wavy. Just keep your hands on your lap or on the table. Do not shake your hands more. Do not touch your face again and again. Some people do possess the habit of touching the nose or lips again and again.
            So, this should not be done as it clearly shows your nervousness. Make sure you do not showcase your weakness during the interview or you may lose the opportunity of getting a job. Not just this, you shouldn’t even fold your arms across your chest as it shows the defensive nature.
               So, if you are insecure about anything, do not let it come on your face or your gestures. So, this can help you in cracking the interview successfully.
10. The tone of your voice:
What you speak is fine but how you speak is also an important part that need to be taken into account while preparing for the Cabin Crew interview. After you answer the questions, take a break or just breath.
Do not speak very fast or very slow. Just keep a normal pace with what you speak up. Also while you speak, vary you tone and the pitch. While you answer the queries, smile and nod at appropriate times but at the same time do not over do anything like this.
                                      Apart from this, do not laugh at anything serious. Or do not laugh alone. Just laugh along with the interviewer as it shows you are attentive and listening to what they are saying.
11. Have plenty of sleep and do not forget anything important:
You must have enough sleep and feel fresh before going for the interview. One night before the interview, sleep well, eat well and feel free and happy. Not just this but also yawning in front of the interviewer never puts up a great impression.
           Also do not consume alcohol the night before the interview. Avoid any spicy or rich garlic food before going for the Cabin Crew interview.
12. Keep calm during the storm:
Your mind should be calm. Despite being anxious is the law of nature but staying calm can only help you get success into the interview. Getting nervous and anxious during the interview may lead you to lose your dream job.
            If you know nothing of a particular question, just simply answer that you do not know. As giving a wrong answer in a confident manner also puts a bad impression.
13. Know your field of interest as well:
The interviewers are there to confuse you about what you want to do. As it is your first interview, they would certainly ask you about your future plan so you should be sure of what you want to do.    
                                                  Also, you should tell them your field of interest. Let them know everything you know about your own field in the interest you carry for the same.
14. What to wear during the interview:
What you wear is the first thing that reflects who you are. So, when you go for an interview, make sure you dress yourself in a good manner. Manner here means dressing up formally. Do not wear danglers or shorts while you move for interview.
                                    For boys, they must not dress up funky as it may lead a bad impression on the panellist. So, make sure you are dressed up formally.
15. Give a professional touch to your resume:
The resume is all what you have done or you might want to do. So, your resume should be professional. The professional look of resume anyways attracts the panellist during the interview.
                                                  So, when you leave for the interview, make sure your resume is well prepared just like you are, it will add cherry on the cake and can help you in winning over the interview process.
16. Do not stay quiet, speak and make the process interactive:
The interview should be interactive. So, when you go for an interview, make sure you do not stay mum during the whole process. Try to give answers and also ask queries for the same.
Clearing all the doubts is a good thing and also it depicts confidence and your interest. The more you will interact, the more will your interview be good and interesting.

                    Also, if the interviewers will be tired of taking lot of interview, they will find interest in you and be happier asking the queries.

17. An eye to eye connection should be there:

Try and answer by looking into the interviewee’s eyes. This shows how much confident you are. When you talk to them by looking into their eyes, you present yourself as confident.
                                           So, try to communicate by looking into their eyes. Do not look her there or down as it would show lack of confidence in you.
18. Stay relevant during question answer round:
While you are answering the queries during the interview, make sure you stay relevant and answer the questions in an appropriate manner. Be concise and give answer. Do not beat about the bush. Always stick to the question asked to you. Do not go astray from the question asked to you. Not just this, also provide example for whatever you answer.
                                     When examples are given, the answer seems more authentic than without stating the examples. Say ‘yes ‘in a confident manner and even if you say ‘no ‘it should depict how confident you really are. The Cabin Crew job is all about the confidence you carry within yourself.
19. Do not lie at any cost:
When you lie, the panellist arises more questions on you and somehow answering many questions, you are able to belt out the whole truth.
                     So, before you get caught red handed, it is good not to lie at any cost. Say everything truly and be direct in your answers.
Even if you are shy of telling something, just say it. Do not shy or once you shy from anything, you may lose a chance to grab the best for you. Dancing around the difficult question is not at all a good approach. If you do not have a skill just tell the interviewer and do no try to cover it with silly lame answers.
20. A fast learner and an independent personality:
The Cabin Crew needs to be a quick and witty person. They need to have an independent personality too. So, these qualities are required by the company.
             If you are asked the question of what qualities are required to become a successful Cabin Crew member, then you may reply the qualities like independent nature, outgoing and a charming personality, good communication and listening skills, alert and quiet observant, strong and fearless too.
              So, you should define a Cabin Crew member with such qualities.
21. In the end be thankful:
After you are done with the interview, just say thanks. Even if you think you would not get a positive response then also say thanks. Being grateful is one of the best attitude that one can portray especially when it comes to the interview purpose.
                         Saying a polite thanks will help you gain a good image as if you wish to again give the interview, you might be remembered for the same thankful nature.
                               So, not just thanks but also wishing the interviewers when you enter the room, will help you make a good impression.

Yashashree Bhorkar (MBA)
Aviation HR Intern

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